
Is It Harmful to Allow Animals of Different Species to Share the Same Water Bowl?

Is It Harmful to Allow Animals of Different Species to Share the Same Water Bowl?

Every pet owner knows how important it is to provide pets with plenty of clean, fresh water to stay hydrated and healthy. When you have multiple pets of different species, however, is it safe for them to use the same water bowl? Different Pets Have Different Water Needs Every animal has different needs for drinking water. The proper intake of water will depend not only on the animal’s species, but also on their overall size and health, age, activity level, and the general climate and temperature. Drinking enough water is essential for the animal to regulate its body temperature, digest...

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How to Remove a Tick From Your Pet Safely and Easily

How to Remove a Tick From Your Pet Safely and Easily

Ticks can be bothersome, even dangerous, pests, but you can easily remove them if your pet does pick one up. Removing ticks safely and easily can help keep your pet comfortable and healthy, even if ticks are a nuisance. About Ticks Ticks are eight-legged parasites that bite through the skin and feed on the blood of their host. As a tick feeds, its body will swell dramatically, and one tick may stay on a host 5-14 days until it is fully engorged. Once finished feeding, the tick will naturally drop off. Several species of ticks are common in North America,...

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Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Licking is one way a dog senses its world, and occasional licking is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to be concerned about. When your dog licks excessively, however, it can be an indication of underlying problems, or the licking itself could cause problems and injuries. Understanding why your dog licks can help you identify any potential difficulties and redirect your dog’s behavior. How Much Licking Is Too Much? Licking is normal behavior for a dog to groom itself, express affection, and taste objects, and some casual licking can be comforting and soothing to the animal. Too much licking, however, is...

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Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Reasons Your Dog Licks Excessively – And What to Do About It

Licking is one way a dog senses its world, and occasional licking is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to be concerned about. When your dog licks excessively, however, it can be an indication of underlying problems, or the licking itself could cause problems and injuries. Understanding why your dog licks can help you identify any potential difficulties and redirect your dog’s behavior. How Much Licking Is Too Much? Licking is normal behavior for a dog to groom itself, express affection, and taste objects, and some casual licking can be comforting and soothing to the animal. Too much licking, however, is...

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Follow These Steps If Your Pet Has an Anxiety Problem

Follow These Steps If Your Pet Has an Anxiety Problem

Most pet owners are convinced that their furry family members have feelings, too. Fans of the animal-free lifestyle often express their skepticism, but proof of animals' emotions is well-documented. It's evident that common household pets (such as cats and dogs) are capable of expressing basic feelings of fear, excitement, contentment, and yes - even anxiety. Pet anxiety is most common in dogs, but even small mammals like hamsters and rabbits can be troubled at times. Anxiety in animals results in abnormal and sometimes destructive behavior, all of which can be disruptive to the entire family. If your pet demonstrates anxiety,...

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